March 02, 2014

interview: summer heart

It's been a couple of years since I've discovered the insanely chill tunes of Sweden's David Alexander aka SUMMER HEART. Three years ago, his debut EP review was one of my first blog posts, and his subsequent plays and tracks ended up on my best of the year lists. Today, I am happy to present Summer Heart to the Serbian audience officially and exclusively - read on to check out David's plans as he talks about Macs, synths, lyrics and his upcoming new single!

M: Summer Heart is an interesting choice for a stage name - I've always wondered had that anything to do with the fellow chillwave artist Blackbird Blackbird and his EP and track of the same name?

David: No, it hasn't actually. I started out in 2009 calling the project Sommarhjärta, which is the Swedish equivalent to Summer Heart. But after I started getting some international recognition I decided to change to the English name to make it easier for my international audience. Sommarhjärta is now the name of my own record label instead.

M: While we are mentioning genres, how would you describe your music? Chillwave, lo-fi, summerwave or some other subgenre? 

David: That’s such a hard question! I am not sure. I have called my music summerwave, lo-fi and DIY. But it could just as well be called chillwave, indie or electronic pop.

M: What song are you most proud of recording?

David: I am really proud of the whole album About a Feeling. I am happy with how the sound turned out. Kind of lo-fi with a lot of mid and bass. Just what I like.

M: First there was you, your Mac and synth - how did the band introduction help your music?

David: It has helped my live performances a lot. And it’s much more fun touring with friends than it is touring alone. But the song writing and recording process have not changed at all. It is still just me with my Macbook, some synths and a guitar.

M: People from the Balkans already had a chance to see you in Zagreb in 2012 - how did that go?

David: It was my first time in the Balkans. I really enjoyed playing there. It felt like the people in Zagreb were really hungry for live music. A very good and friendly audience.

M: I had no chance to attend the Zagreb gig - any chance you might wander off to our lands once again?

David: Yeah. I really hope I can come back to the Balkans next time I am touring Europe!

M: My best friend and I had multiple sessions of trying to figure out the I Wanna Go lyrics - how important do you consider them to be in your music? 

David: I think the lyrics are very important! But at the same time I don’t want to talk about what my lyrics mean to me. I want people that listen to my music to make up their own story and feeling around my lyrics.

M: How does your personal music playlist look like these days?

David: At the moment I listen to tons of different bands. Chrome Sparks, Atlantic at Pacific, Slow Magic and Death in the Afternoon.

M: A classic question - where do you see yourself in the next couple of years? Is there a Master plan?

David: Unfortunately I don’t have a great master plan. At the moment I am working on my upcoming release that will be out in the beginning of the summer this year.
Other than that I have started working a bit more with my record label Sommarhjärta lately. Two friends of mine have started working with me on it. That feels great. I love working together with my inspiring friends!

M: Göteborg is almost Scandinavia's music capital - Air France, Jens Lekman, The Tough Alliance and CEO, Little Dragon, jj to name a few. Is there a some kind of a mystical spring where you all sell your souls in exchange for incredible talent?

David: I think there might be one in Göteborg. I live in Malmö at the moment though and we don’t have such a thing down here. I guess I have to move… No but seriously. Lots of great bands hail from Sweden. I am not really sure why. Maybe it is the long winters with nothing else to do?

Summer Heart's new single will be out on April 27th - follow his Facebook page for up to date details!

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